

Brooklyn Black History + Heritage Corridor Activation Plan is a vision document charting a path to realize a corridor in Brooklyn activated by art and creative placemaking.

December 2024 issue of Architecture New York State Magazine: Honoring the Past, Healing the Present; The Future of Climate and Cultural Resilience at the Flatbush African Burial Ground

Places Journal: Field Notes on Repair: 4

This is the fourth installment of a series, prepared in the months leading up to the U.S. election, in which several dozen scholars, designers, planners, activists, and artists share observations on the keen and rising interest in practices of repair, reuse, preservation, maintenance, and care, and the growing conviction that such practices are vitally important to our cultures and economies, our ecosystems and ecologies.

Design & construction excellence 2.0 guiding principles

Guiding Principles is a publication that outlines shared aims that ensure equity, sustainability, resiliency, and healthy living are integral to the design and construction process. This publication directly supports the Design and Construction Excellence 2.0 (DCE 2.0), a program of the NYC Department of Design & Construction that, through partnerships with renowned design and construction professionals, delivers innovative and enduring public buildings and infrastructure. Published by the NYC Department of Design & Construction.


Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America

An urgent call for architects to accept the challenge of reconceiving and reconstructing our built environment rather than continue giving shape to buildings, infrastructure, and urban plans that have, for generations, embodied and sustained anti-Black racism in the United States. Published by the NYC Museum of Modern Art.

Article written entitled “Housing as Insertion Point for Creative Urban Alchemy”

The Neighborhood Activation Playbook is a how-to guide for activating public spaces.

The Neighborhood Activation Playbook is a how-to guide for activating public spaces. Every community deserves neighborhood public spaces that are safe, and this Playbook offers tools for communities to directly shape change in these spaces using City resources and processes. Created through a collaborative process with community leaders and representatives from diverse government agencies. Published by the NYC Mayors Office of Criminal Justice.


Justice in Place: Design for Equity in the Hudson Valley

The book highlights work from the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation fall urban design program studios that have in recent years worked in and with communities throughout New York's HudsonValley region. Wrote the introduction to the chapter on Incarceration and Education.

Brooklyn Moving Forward Mural depicting Rosetta “Mother” Gaston

urban design forum : designing just spaces

Urban research based article exploring the intersection of smart city tools and social justice in the context of Brownsville, Brooklyn. Article written as a part of the Forefront Fellowship at the NYC Urban Design Forum.

Informal neighborhood in Abuja's periphery

open democracy: Planning for exclusion in Abuja

Urban research based article exploring the intersection of urban design, development policy and social justice in Abuja - the Capital City of Nigeria.  Article written for openDemocracy - an independent global media organization.

Collaborative mural art in Butler Houses in Morrisania, Bronx to address cultural divisions in the community. credit: BCJC

Conscious Cities Anthology 2019: Building Resilience and Inspiring Justice by Design

Conscious Cities Anthology 2019: Science-informed architecture and urbanism showcases individuals and groups that are contributing towards this new approach to creating a better built environment. Article explores the topic of why a community engaged process crucial to equitable human-centered design?.


Exclusive to this ebook is an introduction written by the team behind Spaces & Places: Germane Barnes, Ifeoma Ebo, Justin Garrett Moore and Renée Skeete. Their essay, “On Reclamation and Representation,” serves as both a call to action and organizing principle behind their August 2020 two-day event of virtual learning and exchange. Spaces and Places was born of the necessity to be acknowledged within the built environment. This year’s theme, “Reclaiming,” positions BIPOC urbanists, designers, and activists as defiant catalysts for liberation and equity.


blackspace manifesto

Series of guiding principles aimed to transform the practice of urban practitioners in the built environment industry working in Black communities. Created through a collaborative process of the BlackSpace Urbanist Collective.


Design Activism: A Prototype for an AIDS Clinic in South Africa

Written for the Spring 2010 issue of the National Organization of Minority Architects magazine. The article explores my process of design research for the Patterson Travel Fellowship that led to an opportunity to execute a new community engaged design strategy for a community based healthcare center.

MIT Graduate Thesis: This thesis investigation explores the relationship between city design and social exclusion, and more specifically, how modernist principles of urban design and development policy have contributed to social exclusion in Abuja - the capital city of Nigeria.